Monday, September 23, 2013

Rule Blues

I used to have a tee shirt in middle school that said, "I broke a rule. I prayed in school. I must be a menace to society." Rules rules rules! i love them and i hate them. They serve a purpose and help guide people in the directions needed for a certain task or result but... I dont do well with rules. I enjoy the freedom of making my own choices, whether right or wrong. at some point in time mla format was needed to get everyone together. now we are a diverse people and all written documents are no longer essays or letters. We use short hand and smileys. thats not in mla but it gives character to your words. Also my daughter isnt even being taught to write in cursive due to the rise in technology. that was a rule for me in school! Write in cursive only!! now its not important. Rules are not flexible enough to be changed. you either break them or obey them.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

To Plagiarize, or not to Plagiarize, That is the question!

So... have i ever plagiarized?? yes. not a full essay or assignment but more like a few sentences or ideas. i do think that plagiarism is wrong and you should only take credit for things that belong to you. also it is never worth the risk of being kicked out of a class! say you are doing a presentation for a charity that someone else knows alot about; you may copy something wrong, they notice, and there goes your credability. Nothing worse than being thought a fool than opening your mouth and removing all doubt! lol also cheating in a relationship is easy and hard at the same time. i have been cheated on and i cheated! I have learned many life lessons through these events and have changed for the better. it hurt alot of people on every side. plus things get plain akward for those involved.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Wrong book Still Writing Right ;)

Sooo... i have my little brown handbook from This book is set up completely differently. i was unable to read the assignments, hence i am unable to write the blog assignments. BUT>> i can write about?? the way i write. i like to write in a manor that excites the reader. If i am writing for my own personal use i am often times write more serious. I dont like reading stale material. It bores me. Thats why my notes for our first essay seemed poetic and slighlty goofy. I am enjoying this class thusfar. even the Blogging. i really didnt like the idea of blogging, but mostly due to my lack of spare time. i hope to continue blogging and allowing others to see a little bit of my life. hasta la pasta!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013


Hey there classmates. I hope you thoroughly enjoy this blog and what is to follow. Please gimme feedback and opinions! Don't be shy, I'm not.